Simple HTML and CSS exercise for beginners to grasp the concept

I'm looking to modify the layout of a specific webpage at based on the following instructions:

First, insert this link within the

<link rel="stylesheet" 

-next, add these js links along with the script:

<script src="">
  $(function() {
    container: '#cont',
pipe: '0rSX2a2',
 campaign: '13',
sub_campaign: '30DayChange',
  password_required: true,
    extra_data: {
  subAffiliateId: "30DayChange"

Lastly, update the div of the form to

<div id=“cont”></div>

After making these changes, I noticed no difference in the appearance of the webpage's form. It seems like I might need to utilize a Javascript function for the form - how would I go about implementing it?

Answer №1

To start off, you'll want to make a copy of and

Next, on the original page, replace the form with a button that redirects to the members' page

Then, on the members' page, update the form as follows: within:

  before </body> tag closes:

if jQuery is already in the page, there's no need to add this line.

$(function() {
    container: '#cont',
    pipe: '0rSX2a2',
    campaign: '13',
    sub_campaign: '30DayChange',
    password_required: true,
    extra_data: {
    subAffiliateId: "30DayChange"

Lastly, replace the original form with this div:

<div id=“cont”></div>

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