I'm looking to modify the layout of a specific webpage at based on the following instructions:
First, insert this link within the
<link rel="stylesheet"
-next, add these js links along with the script:
<script src="https://trafficbalance.io/static/js/sdk/all.min.js">
$(function() {
container: '#cont',
pipe: '0rSX2a2',
campaign: '13',
sub_campaign: '30DayChange',
password_required: true,
extra_data: {
subAffiliateId: "30DayChange"
Lastly, update the div of the form to
<div id=“cont”></div>
After making these changes, I noticed no difference in the appearance of the webpage's form. It seems like I might need to utilize a Javascript function for the form - how would I go about implementing it?