Generating numerous variables simultaneously is a feature of SASS

Is it possible to utilize a SASS map in order to generate individual variables for each key-value pair?

For instance, I aim to achieve the following:

$heading: (   
    1: 5rem,   
    2: 4.5rem,   
    3: 4rem,  
    4: 3.5rem,   
    5: 3rem,   
    6: 2.5rem );

and transform it into this:

$heading-1: 5rem; 
$heading-2: 4.5rem; 
$heading-3: 4rem; 
$heading-4: 3.5rem; 
$heading-5: 3rem; 
$heading-6: 2.5rem;

While I was able to use the map for generating class names for each variation, my goal is to create the variables themselves instead of the class names.

Answer №1

Utilizing maps can provide a structured method for visualizing and organizing data/values. Access values within a map by utilizing map-get:

/* Map */
$size: (   
    small: 12px,   
    medium: 16px,   
    large: 20px

/* Extract specific value from the map using map-get */
.text-medium {
    font-size: map-get($size, medium);

/* Output */
.text-medium {
  font-size: 16px;

You can create a reusable function for easy access as well:

/* Map */
$size: (   
    small: 12px,   
    medium: 16px,   
    large: 20px

/* Function to reference size values easily */
@function textSize($size-key) {
    @return map-get($size, $size-key);

    font-size: textSize(large);

/* Output */
.text-large {
  font-size: 20px;

If you require individual variables, creating them separately would be more suitable.

Additionally, consider utilizing an @each loop to generate CSS custom properties based on map entries, which could be beneficial in certain scenarios:

/* Map */
$size: (   
    small: 12px,   
    medium: 16px,   
    large: 20px

/* Using @each loop to generate CSS custom properties for each entry in the map */
:root {
    @each $key, $value in $size {
       --font-#{$key}: #{$value};

/* Output */
:root {
  --font-small: 12px;
  --font-medium: 16px;
  --font-large: 20px;

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