Sibling proximity: an excess of elements separating the regulations

Is there a way to make a hidden p element appear when hovering over the first visible element in a tree structure? I found some help on Stack Overflow suggesting the use of adjacent sibling selectors, and while it works well with a simple example, it fails when there are too many elements between the two elements that need to sync.

#smart:hover ~ p#first {
display: inline;

#first {
left: -450px;
top: 100px;

The issue arises when attempting to place these two elements next to each other, causing the CSS of the tree to break.

I'm wondering if there is a rule or method to ignore the middle elements between the two target elements.

Regardless, I'm not sure if this is the best approach to achieving this. Thank you in advance, GRiS.

Answer №1

You cannot use CSS to "up" the tree. Attempting to hover over a nested element in order to show something outside of the <ul> tree will not be successful. You need to employ JavaScript instead or include the paragraph within the same list item as the anchor tag (or as a child element of the list item).

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