When an element possesses a particular class, modify the css styling of a different

My menu is an unordered list, with each menu item gaining the "active" class when clicked. This works perfectly fine. However, I have an arrow positioned absolutely and its "top" style needs to change based on which list item has the "active" class. Currently, it only checks during the initial site load and does not update when a different list item becomes active. Please note: The ".active-item" represents the arrow.

$(document).ready(function() {

    $('.nav .nav-items li').click(function () {
        $('.nav .nav-items li').removeClass('active');


if ($('.nav .nav-items .nav-dash').hasClass('active')) {
    $('.nav .nav-items .active-item').css('top', '30px');

if ($('.nav .nav-items .nav-sales').hasClass('active')) {
    $('.nav .nav-items .active-item').css('top', '90px');
}; etc...

Answer №1

For the arrow positioning code to update on every click rather than just during page load, make sure it is placed within the click() handler for the menu item click event.

Answer №2

One effective way to achieve this would be through your stylesheet for improved performance:

.nav-items > .active .active-item{
    top: 0px;
.nav-items > .active.nav-sales .active-item{
    top: 30px;
.nav-items > .active.nav-sales .active-item{
    top: 90px;
/* etc */

By utilizing CSS, you can reduce the amount of code required significantly.

In cases where it is absolutely necessary to implement this in JavaScript, the following approach should fulfill your requirements:

$(document).ready(function() {
    function checkNavItems(){
        if ($('.nav .nav-items .nav-dash').hasClass('active')) {
            $('.nav .nav-items .active-item').removeAttr('style');
            $('.nav .nav-items .active-item').css('top', '30px');

        if ($('.nav .nav-items .nav-sales').hasClass('active')) {
            $('.nav .nav-items .active-item').removeAttr('style');
            $('.nav .nav-items .active-item').css('top', '90px');
        }; etc...

    $('.nav .nav-items li').click(function () {
        $('.nav .nav-items li').removeClass('active');


On closer inspection, your current code may not be achieving the desired result as intended. Specifically, you are clearing and setting styles for all active-item nodes instead of individual ones. While CSS is preferable for such tasks, below is a modified JavaScript solution that may help:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var activeStyles ={
        'nav-dash': {
            'top': '30px'
        'nav-sales': {
            'top' : '90px'

    function checkNavItems(){
        var active = $('.nav .nav-items .active'),
            activeItem = $('.nav .nav-items .active .active-item');
            inactiveItem = $('.nav .nav-items .not(.active) .active-item');

        for (key in activeStyles) {
            if (activeStyles.hasOwnProperty(key) && active.hasClass(key)) {
                break; //Only do it once

    $('.nav .nav-items li').click(function () {
        $('.nav .nav-items li').removeClass('active');


For testing purposes, having access to example markup would facilitate the process. Please note that there might be some syntax errors present. However, the concept remains unchanged.

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