Shiny Chrome, Flexible Flexbox, and plump div elements

Looking to enhance my understanding of flexbox.

Encountering a display issue in Chrome where the right column is too wide and the left column is too skinny, while it displays correctly in Firefox.

Any suggestions on how to fix this for Chrome?

.child {
  border: solid 1px;
.left {
  width: 100px;
.container {
  display: flex;
  display: -webkit-flex;
<div class="container">
  <div class="child left">
    I'm left!
  <div class="child right">
    And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right
    and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm
    right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm
    right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And
    I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat! And I'm right and fat!

Answer №1

The layout works differently in Firefox and Chrome for this snippet. In Firefox, the left column is handled correctly while in Chrome, the right column is too wide and the left column is too skinny.

However, upon closer inspection, it appears that the layout doesn't actually work as expected in Firefox. The computed width of .left in Firefox is approximately 84px, not 100px as intended.

In Chrome, the layout just shrinks to fit the content, showing how different browsers handle flex items' default minimum size differently.

To ensure cross-browser compatibility, it's recommended to define the flex-shrink property.

Instead of setting the width like this:

.left { width: 100px; }

You can try using the following approach:

.left { flex: 0 0 100px; } /* don't grow, don't shrink, width is 100px */

View Demo

For more information on the flex property, refer to these resources:

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