The Google Docs viewer is displaying an empty screen

I have been utilizing the Google Docs viewer on my website:

<div class="embed-r embed-responsive-a">
  <iframe class="embed-responsive-it" src=";url=http://LINK.PDF"></iframe>

However, I often encounter an issue where instead of displaying the file, there is just a large blank space. To view the file, I have to refresh the page multiple times.

Does anyone know how to resolve this problem?

Answer №1

I've encountered the same issue and stumbled upon some interesting findings during my research on this topic.

Check out this link for more insights

After reading through the suggested solution regarding a 'partial sign out issue' with Google Account, I experimented with signing in and out of my account which surprisingly resolved the problem.

Although not a perfect fix, considering that no error code is provided due to security limitations, I understand the situation well.

You might still face challenges with your end users, but since mine are local and limited to just 3, it's manageable with some gentle persuasion.

-- ADDITIONAL Information --

It appears that the temporary 'solution' turned out to be accidental, as Google has officially announced the discontinuation of this feature. (credits to: @omniasoft on Twitter for raising the question to Google).

Looking for alternatives to the non-functional Google Docs viewer?

Here is another useful link for reference.

Apologies if this information led to any false hope!

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