Shifting an HTML anchor to account for a stationary header - Safari compatibility with alternative CSS styling

I made adjustments to my HTML anchors by adding an offset in the CSS to accommodate for a fixed header in my theme:

    margin-top: -175px;
    padding-top: 175px;

/* Adjustments for screen sizes of 760px and smaller */
@media (max-width:760px){

    #randomClass1, #randomClass2, #randomClass3{
        margin-top: -160px;
        padding-top: 160px;

/* Adjustments for screen sizes of 401px and smaller */
@media (max-width:401px){

    #randomClass1, #randomClass2, #randomClass3{
        margin-top: -190px;
        padding-top: 190px;

/* Adjustments for screen sizes of 317px and smaller */
@media (max-width:317px){

    #randomClass1, #randomClass2, #randomClass3{
        margin-top: -220px;
        padding-top: 220px;

The adjustments work perfectly on all resolutions and browsers except for mobile Safari. On Apple devices with resolutions below 780px (tested on iPhone 12 in horizontal mode), the margin-top seems too low. How can I resolve this issue, considering it only occurs in Safari? Is there a way to modify the CSS specifically for this browser?

Alternatively, is there a more effective method to add an offset to HTML anchors that would ensure consistent display across all browsers?

Answer №1

Is there a way to customize CSS specifically for this browser?

A potential solution could involve utilizing specific CSS selectors designed for Safari, as outlined in this helpful resource: is there a css hack for safari only NOT chrome? (You can tailor the styles based on the device's screen size)

Alternatively, is there a more effective method to adjust HTML anchors to ensure consistent appearance across all browsers?

Rather than adding new styles, consider resetting the CSS at the beginning of your stylesheet. For instance, you can employ a CSS reset like this one:

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