Is there a way to produce random colors using this SCSS function?

The current function is returning an output in the color #ff0063, but my goal is to create a variety of colorful pixel dots on the screen. Could someone provide an explanation of what this code is doing?

@function multiple-box-shadow ($n) {
  $value: '#{random(2500)}px #{random(2500)}px #ff006e';
  @for $i from 2 through $n {
    $value: '#{$value} , #{random(2500)}px #{random(2500)}px #ff006e';
  @return unquote($value);

Answer №1

The SASS function random() generates a random number up to the value you provide. This means that the code snippet is producing multiple box-shadow values with random positions within a range of 2500px from the original element.

If you want to include random colors as well, you can use three random(255) arguments inside the rgb() function, like this:

@function multiple-box-shadow ($n) {
  $value: '#{random(250)}px #{random(250)}px #ff006e';
  @for $i from 2 through $n {
    $value: '#{$value} , #{random(250)}px #{random(250)}px rgb(#{random(255)}, #{random(255)}, #{random(255)})';
  @return unquote($value);

See it in action here

Please note that in the demo, the random positioning is limited to 250px to ensure everything fits nicely on the screen.

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