Shift visual elements using measurements

Let's say my image size is 960x960, but the height of the img element is set to 720px.

<img class="imgs" src="~/test.jpg" />

Here are the styles for .imgs:

.imgs {
    width: 100%;
    height: 45rem;
    object-fit: cover;

Can I use object-position to adjust the position of the image top/bottom or other directions? Is it possible to move the image using specific units?

To illustrate this concept, imagine a black line representing a div and a red line representing the image:

When using object-position: top, it looks like this:


When using object-position: bottom:


However, I want to not only align the image at the top with object-position: top, but also move its content slightly upwards (by a few pixels). I've attempted to achieve this using margin and padding, but it ends up moving the entire element rather than just the content.

My desired result is depicted here:


Answer №1

If I understand correctly, you are looking to center your image content within the box. This can be achieved by using the CSS property object-position.

Simply replace the values top, bottom, etc. with the units of your choice; for example:

object-position: 50% 10px;

The first value adjusts the horizontal position, while the second value adjusts the vertical position.

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