Sharp writing displayed over a 3D-transformed object in the Safari browser

My challenge now is to position text on top of elements that have been transformed using -webkit-transform:translate3d(). The issue I've encountered is that the only effective method I've found to stack an element on top of a 3D-transformed object is by also using translate3d() and placing it above on the z-axis. While this works well for images and shapes, it unfortunately results in blurry text which is not acceptable.

Is there a way to either float non-3D-transformed text on top of a 3D-transformed element or maintain the sharpness of the text?

Answer №1

To achieve text floating without the need for 3D transform, simply adjust the z-indexes of the background and text elements. Keep in mind that combining text with 3D animation can lead to unpredictable results, especially on mobile devices like iPhones where Safari's rendering capabilities differ between desktop and mobile versions.

If you want to improve text appearance on desktop Safari, consider these tips:

1) Set font-weight to light and include a -webkit-text-stroke one pixel lighter than the text 2) Apply a text-shadow in a lighter tone with zero offsets and a 1-2 pixel blur 3) Experiment with scaling fonts using 3D transforms 4) Utilize font-smoothing techniques

Answer №2

When applying a zero or negative value to z within the translate3d(x, y, z) function, it allows you to position elements above the transformed objects.

-webkit-transform: translate3d(100px, 100px, 0)

An example of this in action can be seen on Safari by visiting:

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