Having trouble getting jQuery to scroll to the top of a document correctly

I am currently developing a smartphone application for iOS using jQuery. There are 2 divs in the app, one that displays a list of events and another that displays an individual event. Here is how they are structured:

<div id="output">

<div id="single" style="background-color: red;">


The first single div is hidden when the document loads.

As users scroll down the page and click on an event, the #single div is displayed while the #output div is hidden. However, there is an issue where instead of moving to the top like a new page would, the current x + y values are retained, making it appear as if the page is blank with content out of view and unable to be scrolled. I tried to bring the document to the top with this code snippet:

function showSingle(itemId){

/* ajax */

Unfortunately, this method did not bring the document to the top. Can you help me identify and correct the error? Thank you.


This is the state before clicking: imgur.com/Mitlp and after clicking: imgur.com/873pO

It should resemble this example: https://i.sstatic.net/g5uPX.jpg

Second Edit: Incorporating AJAX within the function

                        url: 'http://dev.24323423.co.uk/getSingle.php',
                        dataType: 'jsonp',
                        data: { dbId: itemId },
                        jsonp: 'jsoncallbackSingle',
                        timeout: 8000,
                        success: function(data, status){
                            $.each(data, function(i,item){ 
                                var linkedPageSingle = '<p><a href="#" onClick="homePage(1)">Back</a></p><h2>'+item.eventName+'</h2>'
                                    + '<p>Description: '+item.description+'</p><p>Type: '
                                    + item.type+'</p><p id="pageid">'+item.id+'</p>';


                        error: function(){
                            $('#single').text('There was an error loading the data.');


Answer №1

To quickly scroll to the top of a document, you can use either window.scrollTo(0, 0); or $(document).scrollTop(0);, instead of $("#single").scrollTop(0);.

.scrollTop() specifically sets the top scroll offset value for the selected element, not in relation to the entire document.

If you only want the page to scroll so that #single is visible (not all the way to the top), then you can use


Important: It's recommended to place the scrolling action after the show() and hide() methods have been executed.

Answer №2

It seems like the scrolling function is being triggered before the first div is completely hidden and the second div is fully visible. To address this issue, you can modify the code as follows:

function displayItem(itemId){
    $('#item').show(0, function(){
        /* Perform ajax call here */

Answer №3

I want to express my gratitude to those who offered their assistance. Rather than attempting to resolve the issue at hand, I managed to find a workaround solution. Here is the approach I implemented:

 var linkedPage = '<h2><a href="#" onClick="takeToSingle('+item.id+')">'+item.eventName+'</a></h2>'
                            + '<p>Date: '+item.date+'</p><p>Description: '+item.description+'</p><p>Type: '
                            + item.type+'</p><p id="pageid">'+item.id+'</p>';


 function takeToSingle(itemId){
                document.location.href = 'page1.html';

This method involves setting a local storage item that is then sent to page1.html for retrieval as follows:

 pageId = localStorage.getItem("pageID");

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