What can be done to prevent divs from overlapping? They display properly on a computer browser, but not on mobile devices like phones or tablets

Recently, I took on the task of creating an eBay template for someone. With some assistance and a bit of trial and error, I managed to get it working, albeit with what I like to call "not-so-great" code. However, there is one issue that arises when viewing the template on mobile phones or tablets - specifically, three overlapping div elements.

If you take a look at this image here, you'll see exactly what I mean:

The central table in the design displays three columns that overlap, causing a visual hiccup. Any ideas on how I can rectify this?

Here is the snippet of code pertaining to that particular section:

<div style="border:2px solid white;width:700px;height:350px;overflow:scroll;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;background-color:#90C382;">
  <u><b><font color=#EC008B><font size=5>MEASUREMENTS IN INCHES</u></b></font color=#EC008B></font size=5>
  <div style="margin-left:-450px;width:233px;height:350px;background-color:#90C382;"><br><br>&emsp;    


  <div style="margin-top:-348px; margin-left:0px;width:233px;height:350px;background-color:#90C382;"><br><br>&emsp;
  <u><b>BOTTOMS</u> </b><br><br>&emsp;

  <div style="margin-top:-352px;margin-left:448px;width:233px;height:350px;background-color:#90C382;"><br>
    <img src="http://i1373.photobucket.com/albums/ag383/Dixie_Stockwell/Measurementstraced-01_zpsca8e6a7c.png" width="200px" height="298.5px" align="right";>  

Answer №1

Instead of relying on negative margins, you may want to consider using the "float" property. A helpful blog post explaining how floats work can be found at All About Floats. If the issue only arises on handheld devices, it might be beneficial to create separate rules for those devices. More information on this topic is available at Media Queries. Chris Coyier's blog provides excellent explanations that are easy to understand and extremely helpful. Best of luck!

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