I'm having trouble grasping the concept of serving gzip-compressed JavaScript and CSS files

Why is it important to serve compressed JavaScript and CSS files? I understand that it reduces file size, but does the browser/webserver have to decompress them to read them? It's been mentioned that the webserver handles the compression. Does this mean we should link foobar.css.gz instead of foobar.css in our HTML document?

Can you explain how the compression of JS and CSS files works? What are the benefits of doing this? Are there any drawbacks to consider? And how can one go about implementing it?

Answer №1

Typically, the amount of CPU time needed for decompressing an HTTP response is significantly shorter than the time it would take to transfer the additional bytes via the network.

Most platforms that utilize HTTP compression perform the process dynamically without requiring publishers to maintain compressed .gz files.

The specific methods for implementing this can vary depending on the web server being used. Since you've tagged two different servers, the solution may differ based on your setup. The user manual for your server should provide guidance on how to accomplish this task.

Answer №2

Correct - the reduced file size is crucial in minimizing both server and browser bandwidth usage, ultimately saving money. Although decompression is necessary, the speed at which small files can be decompressed often outweighs the time it takes to download larger uncompressed data.

The method of compression implementation varies depending on your server type; for example, Apache offers a module called mod_deflate, which automatically compresses files as they are sent without requiring any changes to your web pages.

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