I am interested in creating an animated progressive drawing of a line using CSS with SVG/Canvas and JS. You can view the specific line I want to draw here
<svg width="640" height="480" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<!-- Created with custom SVG code -->
<title>Layer 1</title>
<path d="m33,104c1,0 2.1306,-0.8037 23,3c9.07012,1.65314 10,2 24,2c7,0 29,0 33,0c8,0 9,0 11,0c2,0 8,0 11,0c9,0 17,0 18,0c10,0 12,0 20,0c1,0 6,0 7,0c2,0 3.07613,0.38268 4,0c2.61313,-1.08239 2,-3 2,-6c0,-1 0,-2 0,-3c0,-1 0,-2 0,-3c0,-1 0,-2 0,-3c0,-1 0,-2 0,-3c0,-1 0.30745,-3.186 -1,-5c-...