Several radio buttons and their corresponding labels are shown on a single line inside a nested div container

Upon stumbling across this post, I realized it perfectly aligns with my current goal: Radio Button and Label to display in same line.

However, the challenge persists... The layout I currently have (first 3 columns) differs from what I aspire to achieve (last two columns). Disregard the outlined boxes; they were merely added to highlight the div.

I need to place two to three radio buttons on the same line, as depicted in the image below. These radio buttons should be accompanied by their respective titles within one div, nested inside a main div that holds the radio buttons and another html selector (e.g. Capacity). I attempted to allocate sufficient width to this div so that the radio buttons can be horizontally aligned in a single row, but to no avail.

Here's the jsFiddle link for the HTML and CSS.

After eliminating float:left, width, and height from the mentioned classes, you'll notice that the Select button is no longer properly aligned.

Answer №1

To fix the problem, eliminate the float: left; property from the .fl1 em selector.

Additionally, removing the properties width and height from the

#bookingForm input, #bookingForm textarea
will resolve the issue at hand.

For a working example, refer to this Fiddle link.

Answer №2

Take out the CSS height and width declarations from the following style.

#bookingForm input, #bookingForm textarea{ }

Answer №3

Please provide feedback on the CSS properties for height and width of the elements with IDs #bookingForm input and #bookingForm textarea

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