Updating the Navigation Bar and Theme in CRM Dynamics 2013 to Reflect Your Organization's Branding

In my CRM Dynamics 2013 setup, I am faced with a unique challenge. I need to customize the Organization navigation bar based on which organization is currently loaded. Specifically, I have two organizations - QA and PROD. When a user switches to the QA organization, I want the name of the navigation bar to change from "Microsoft Dynamics CRM" to "CRM QA" along with a different color scheme. Similarly, when the user loads the PROD organization, the navigation bar should display "CRM PROD" with another distinct color scheme.

I understand that this customization goes beyond the standard capabilities of CRM Controls. However, despite this limitation, our client insists on making these changes. Is it possible to achieve this using JavaScript? If so, could you please provide guidance on where I can obtain more information? I have attempted to search online for solutions but haven't had any success thus far.

Answer №1

Although I can't confirm the exact name, there is a tutorial available that demonstrates how to modify the color scheme:

It should be noted that this modification is not officially supported.

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