Setting up the CSS loader in a Vue.js project using webpack

I am currently working on a new vue-cli project and have successfully installed the Pure.CSS framework using npm install purecss --save. However, I am struggling to seamlessly integrate, import, or load the css framework into my project. I am unsure of where exactly within my project structure I should place my regular css files (e.g. mystyle.css). My assumption is that they should be stored in the src/assets directory based on the Project Structure provided by vue-cli.

My main goal is to consolidate all css files into a single file, like app.css or main.css. How can I achieve this?

Answer №1

To include it into your project, you can simply import the resource like this:

import '../content/purecss/styles/file.css'

You may add this line in your Main.vue file.

Double-check that the path to the required node_modules directory is accurate.

Now you're all set to apply purecss styling throughout your templates.

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