Setting the height and width of a table and utilizing rowspans may not produce the desired outcome

I've encountered an issue with my table that I can't seem to resolve. The CSS should dictate the width and height, but something seems off. Am I approaching this incorrectly or is there something missing?

Also, why are the borders not aligning properly?

You can view the table, HTML, and CSS in this jsfiddle:

<table class="stamtavle">
        <td rowspan=7 class="cell1"><p>Volstrups Casillas</p></td>
        <td rowspan=3 class="cell2"><p>Colman</p></td> 
        <td class="cell3"><p>Carthago Z</p></td>
        <td class="cell3"><p>Rosenquarz</p></td>
         <td rowspan=3 class="cell2"><p>Lucille</p></td>        
         <td class="cell3"><p>Lordship</p></td>
         <td class="cell3"><p>Carna</p></td>
         <td rowspan=7 class="cell1"><p>Volstrups Corona</p></td>        
        <td rowspan=3 class="cell2"><p>Churchill</p></td>
        <td class="cell2"><p>Cicero</p></td>
        <td class="cell3"><p>Ziska</p></td>
        <td rowspan=3 class="cell2"><p>Volstrups Cartia</p></td>        
        <td class="cell3"><p>Calato Z</p></td>
        <td class="cell3"><p>Sidsel</p></td>

Answer №1

Insert the following code into your table element

class="customtable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"

To achieve consistent spacing between cells in your rowspan layout, you may need to consider a different strategy. Although this modification does improve the overall appearance.

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