Setting the default value for ngModel does not receive any information from the model

I am trying to populate a form with default values using the code below:

 <h3>ِStart Time</h3>
    <div class="row" >
      <div class="col">
        <label for="startTime">Hour(s) </label>
        <input type="number" [ngModel]="defaultSTime" class="form-control" name="StartTimeHour" value="card.startTime.getHours" id="startTime" min="0" max="23">
        <div class="col">
            <label for="startTime">Minute(s) </label>
            <input type="number" [ngModel]= "defaultSMinute" class="form-control" name="StartTimeMin" value="card.startTime.getMinutes" id="startTime" min="0"max="59"> <!--input type can be changed accordingly-->

  defaultSTime = 'card.startTime.getHours' ;
  defaultSMinute = 'card.startTime.getMinutes';

The issue I'm facing is that, despite my efforts, the form fields remain empty. Any ideas on what might be causing this?

Answer №1

It looks like there may be a potential problem with the data types in your code. The defaultSTime and defaultSMinute variables are defined as strings, while the inputs are expected to be numbers.

If you want to extract numbers from the card object's startTime.getHours method, consider updating your definition like this:

defaultSTime = card.startTime.getHours();
defaultSMinute = card.startTime.getMinutes();

Answer №2

Here are some helpful tips for you:


If you want to create two-way binding, remember to use banana-in-a-box syntax with ngModel, like this:

[(ngModel)]= "defaultSMinute"

Your comments lack clarity on how you are constructing the Card object, but it seems like you may have overlooked the following:

getHours() ; // these are functions of date not properties

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