Text area with a set height and expandable max-height - scrollable overflow


.text {
  max-height: 0;
  overflow-y: auto;
  transition: all .45s ease-in-out;

.text-active {
  max-height: 50%;

I am looking for a way to resize the .text component's max-height so that it adjusts proportionally with the height of the right-hand column when the window is resized. This is in order to keep both columns at an even height. While I think JavaScript could potentially solve this issue by adjusting max-height based on window width and height, I'm wondering if there might be a simpler CSS solution available.

Answer №1

Give this a shot...

When the window is resized, the following code will set the maximum height of elements with the class 'text' to 100 pixels:
window.onresize = function(){
    $('.text').css('max-height', 100);

Answer №2

To adjust the height of the text field dynamically, JavaScript may be required. The method used to determine the appropriate height will vary based on how the field is positioned in relation to adjacent elements on the right side.

Currently, the fluctuating sizes of the boxes above and below the text field cause it to move up and down, making alignment with the right side challenging. Will the left side also exhibit similar behavior in the final design? Consider placing the text field in a more fixed location and then using JS to explore different max-height values for optimal results.

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