Setting the alignment to the right for the select attribute within HTML

I have been attempting to align a select attribute in HTML to the right side of the page, but so far I have been unsuccessful. Below are the codes that I have tried:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1>Java Casting</h1>

<h3 align="right">To</h3>
  <option value="int">int</option>
  <option value="double">double</option>
  <option value="long">long</option>
  <option value="String">String</option>
<select  align="right" >
  <option value="int">int</option>
  <option value="double">double</option>
  <option value="long">long</option>
  <option value="String">String</option>


Answer №1

It seems like this is the desired outcome.

.right {
  text-align: right;
  float: right;
  width: 50%;
.left {
  float: left;
  width: 50%;
<h1>Java Casting</h1>

<div class="left">
    <option value="int">int</option>
    <option value="double">double</option>
    <option value="long">long</option>
    <option value="String">String</option>

<div class="right">
    <option value="int">int</option>
    <option value="double">double</option>
    <option value="long">long</option>
    <option value="String">String</option>

Answer №2

If you're looking to align your text to the right, one option is to use

<select style="float:right">

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1>Java Casting</h1>

<h3 align="right">To</h3>
  <option value="int">int</option>
  <option value="double">double</option>
  <option value="long">long</option>
  <option value="String">String</option>
<select style="float:right">
  <option value="int">int</option>
  <option value="double">double</option>
  <option value="long">long</option>
  <option value="String">String</option>


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