Set the desired font size to 2 using CSS styling

I need to work with a different company's markup code, and it's quite unconventional. I'm only able to edit the CSS, not the HTML itself. The markup code I have to deal with looks like this:

  <font size="2">Headline</font>
  <font size"1">Paragraph text</font>

I want to style the color and other properties of these two elements differently, but I'm unsure how to target them using CSS. Could it be done like this?

font[size=2] {
  color: red;

font[size=1] {

Answer №1

font[size="2"] {
  color: blue;

font[size="1"] {
  color: yellow;
  <font size="2">Title</font>
  <font size="1">Body text</font>

Answer №2

When using attribute and value selector, the value must be within quotation marks like font[size="1"]

font[size="2"] {
  color: red;

font[size="1"] {
  color: green;
  <font size="2">Headline</font>
  <font size="1">Paragraph text</font>

Answer №3

The font[size=1] was employed, however enclosed in quotation marks as seen here: font[size="1"]

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