Set the CSS position to fixed without having to reset the scroll position

What is the best way to change an element's CSS position to fixed without losing the current scroll position?

Here is a method using JavaScript:

$('.bigwidth').click(function() { 

For example, visit this link:
If you try scrolling the element and then clicking on it, it will change to a fixed position and reset the scroll. This behavior can be improved by retaining the current scroll position when changing to a fixed position.

Answer №1

By including "return false" within the click function, you can stop the default action of being taken back to the top of the page or resetting the scroll position.

Here is the revised code snippet:

$('.bigwidth').click(function() { 
     return false;    

Answer №2

$('.bigwidth').click(() => { 
          position :'fixed',
          left : -(document.body.scrollLeft)

Answer №3

When the element's position changes to fixed, it is essentially removed from the page layout, causing the body to no longer expand to its width. As a result, the element may jump back to the left. One solution is to reposition the element to mimic the previous scroll position after changing its position attribute. You can achieve this by incorporating the following script:

$('.bigwidth').click(function() {
     var scrolled = $(document).scrollLeft();
     $(this).css("left", -scrolled);

Check out this example for a demonstration.

Answer №4

To automatically reset the scroll, you can implement a click event that resets it. Retrieve the current scroll position, set it to fixed, and then reset the scroll to its previous position using the .scrollTop() method --- jquery

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