Determining the container height for every two-image row

I am currently working on a project for this website.

My focus right now is on resizing vertical images using the following script:

function Gallery(selector) {
  this.add_module = function (type, image) {

    var portrait_text ='.portrait_text');

    var container = $('<div />', {
      'class': 'gallery_container'

    if (type == 'horizontal') {
      var h_ar = image.attr('height') / image.attr('width');
      var c_width = selector.width();
      var c_height = selector.width() * h_ar
        'width': c_width,
        'height': c_height
    if (type == 'vertical') {
      var c_width = v_width;
      var c_height = v_height
        'width': Math.floor(v_width),
        'height': v_height
      'float': 'left',
      'width': '100%',
      'height': '100%'
    container.attr('ar', c_height / c_width)


  this.resized = function () {
    $('.gallery_container').each(function () {
      if ($(this).attr('ar') >= 1) { // vertical
          'width': sel.width() / 2,
          'height': sel.width() / 2 * $(this).attr('ar')
      } else { // horizontal
          'width': sel.width(),
          'height': sel.width() * $(this).attr('ar')
  var _this = this;
  var gutter = 0;
  var v_counter = 0;
  var w_pxls = 0;
  var h_pxls = 0;
  var v_ar;

  selector.children('img').each(function () {
    if (parseInt($(this).attr('width')) < parseInt($(this).attr('height'))) {
      h_pxls += $(this).attr('height');
      w_pxls += $(this).attr('width');
      v_ar = $(this).attr('height') / $(this).attr('width')

  var h_avrg = Math.floor(h_pxls / v_counter);
  var w_avrg = Math.floor(w_pxls / v_counter);
  var v_width = Math.floor((selector.width()) / 2);
  var v_height = v_width * v_ar;
  var sel = selector;
  selector.children('img').each(function () {
    if (parseInt($(this).attr('width')) > parseInt($(this).attr('height'))) {
      _this.add_module('horizontal', $(this));
    } else {
      _this.add_module('vertical', $(this));
  $(window).bind('resize', _this.resized);

var gallery = new Gallery($('#gallery_images_inner'));

The issue I am facing with the script is that it sets all the containers to the same height (based on the last image on the page), causing the first images to resize poorly. As seen in the example above, all row of 2 images have a fixed height of 613px.

Is there a method to individually control each pair of images containers to calculate their own height based on the respective images? Currently, it seems like the script takes the height from the last resized image and applies it to all other containers

Applying height: auto instead of 100% won't resolve the issue as it will not fit the images to the height of the vertical container.

How can I resolve this script-related problem?

Answer №1

A solution exists for your problem, although it may not be the most straightforward. Your gallery script calculates an average aspect ratio for all images inside, making it difficult to alter this behavior easily.

However, there is a workaround you can implement: place each pair of images in their own separate gallery!

var gallery1 = new Gallery($('#gallery_images_inner1'));
var gallery2 = new Gallery($('#gallery_images_inner2'));
var gallery3 = new Gallery($('#gallery_images_inner3'));

For more details, visit Please note that I had to tidy up your HTML code - ensure that you copy the clean source code directly rather than the "javascript-affected" code from tools like Firebug.

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