Trying to display the status "Lost" in the Bootstrap card footer on the right side. The issue is, when I add margin-left to fix it in Chrome, it doesn't look the same in Microsoft Edge browser. How can I ensure it looks consistent across all browsers? Below is what I've attempted in a fiddle.
<div class="card tile-card">
<div class="card-header p-3 pt-2">
<div class="icon icon-lg icon-shape bg-gradient-dark shadow-dark text-center border-radius-xl mt-n4 position-absolute">
<i class="fa fa-icon fa-solid fa-dollar-sign opacity-10"></i>
<div class="text-end pt-1">
<p class="text-sm mb-0 tile-title-p">ABC</p>
<p class="text-xs mb-0 tile-subtitle-p">PQR</p>
<p class="text-xs mb-0 tile-subtitle-p" style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic">123</p>
<div class="card-footer p-3">
<p class="tile-subtitle-p tile-subtitle-footer mb-0">Updated On: <b>10/27/2023
<span style="color: red; font-style: normal; margin-left:26px;">Lost</span></b></p>