I decided to uninstall Bootstrap, but now I find myself unable to make any CSS changes

After attempting to uninstall Bootstrap, my application.css no longer seems to have any effect on my app. Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

Here is a breakdown of the steps I took that led to this problem:

- Removed require bootstrap from application.css
- Removed require bootstrap from application.js
- Removed bootstrap link in header on application.html.erb
- Ran bundle exec rake assets:clean numerous times (1000)

Despite all these actions, Bootstrap has not been completely removed and now none of the CSS changes are being reflected.

Answer №1

When looking at a page in your application, take notice of the CSS files that are bundled with it. It is possible that an external stylesheet, such as Bootstrap from a CDN, is linked and may be overriding your local CSS if it is positioned lower on the page.

Another possibility is that you accidentally removed this line

  <%= stylesheet_link_tag    'application', media: 'all'%>

as a result, none of the CSS files from your asset folder are being included.

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