Adding a class to a clicked button in Vue.js

A unique function of the code below is showcasing various products by brand. When a user clicks on a brand's button, it will display the corresponding products. This feature works seamlessly; however, I have implemented a filter on the brands' logos to appear grey until hover. Now, I wish for this filter to be removed when the button is pressed.

Currently, I have only managed to eliminate the filter from all brands, which defeats the purpose of highlighting the selected button. How can I assign the 'active' class to only one button, the one that the user is clicking?


    <div class="buttonBrand">
      <button v-for="(element, index) in brand"   :key="index" :class='{buttonActive : isActive  }' @click="changeBrand(index)">
        <img v-bind:src="element.imageBrand" alt />
    <div class="product-wrapper">
      <single-product-new v-for="(element,index) in object" :key="index" :element="element" />


.buttonBrand {
    display: flex;

    button {
        margin: 25px auto;
        justify-content: space-between;
        img {
           filter: grayscale(100%) contrast(30%);
        img:hover {
            filter: none;


        .is-active {
            img {
                filter: none;

    .buttonActive {
        img {
            filter: none;



const singleProductNew = () => import("../singleProductNew/singleProductNew.vue");

export default {
    components: {

    props: {


    // DATA
    data() {
        return {
            isActive: false,
            object: null,
            brand: [{
                title: 'lg',
                imageBrand: "/img/lg.png",
                products: [{
                    volume: "123",
                    energyseal: "A++",
                    dimensions: "123",
                    wattage: "123",
                    color: [{
                        price: "123",
                        fee: "111",
                        reference: "asdasdasda",
                        colorName: "white",
                        availability: "yes",
                        image: '/img/hot_1.png'

                        price: "321",
                        fee: "222",
                        reference: "23123",
                        colorName: "gray",
                        availability: "no",
                        image: '/img/hot_1_b.png'
                    volume: "123",
                    energyseal: "A++",
                    dimensions: "123",
                    wattage: "123",
                    color: [{
                        price: "123",
                        fee: "333",
                        reference: "123",
                        colorName: "gray",
                        availability: "yes",
                        price: "123",
                        image: '/img/hot_2.png'



                title: 'samsung',
                imageBrand: "/img/samsung.png",
                products: [{
                    volume: "333",
                    energyseal: "A++",
                    dimensions: "123",
                    wattage: "123",
                    color: [{
                        price: "888",
                        fee: "77",
                        reference: "123",
                        colorName: "white",
                        availability: "yes",
                        image: '/img/sam_1.png'

                        price: "321",
                        fee: "123",
                        reference: "23123",
                        colorName: "gray",
                        availability: "no",
                        image: '/img/sam_1_b.png'
                    volume: "1123",
                    energyseal: "A++",
                    dimensions: "123",
                    wattage: "123",
                    color: [{
                        price: "123",
                        fee: "123",
                        reference: "123",
                        colorName: "gray",
                        availability: "yes",
                        price: "123",
                        image: '/img/sam_2.png'

    mounted() {
        this.object = this.brand[0].products;

    // METHODS
    methods: {
        changeBrand(index) {
            this.object = this.brand[index].products;
                this.isActive = false;
                this.isActive = true;



In addition to the mentioned details, the buttonActive class is currently applied to all buttons, whereas I aim to apply it solely to the clicked button.

Answer №1

To enhance the functionality, consider introducing a new data object property named currentIndex and ensure it gets updated to the index of the clicked button:

data() {
  return {
    currentIndex: -1,
    isActive: false,

Within the template, bind the class in this manner

:class='{buttonActive : (index==currentIndex) }'

<div class="buttonBrand">
  <button v-for="(element, index) in brand" :key="index" :class='{buttonActive : (index==currentIndex) }' @click="changeBrand(index)">
    <img v-bind:src="element.imageBrand" alt />

Methods :

changeBrand(index) {
    this.object = this.brand[index].products;
    this.currentIndex = index;

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