Sending data to CSS file within Django

Can variables be passed in CSS files, similar to HTML files? For example:


def home(request):
    bgcolor = "#999"

In the CSS file:

body {
    background-color : {{bgcolor}};

If it is indeed possible, could you please provide guidance on how to accomplish this? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Edit: My apologies for any confusion. What I meant was, how can users customize their page if desired? While it might be achievable without using an external stylesheet, utilizing CSS from a CDN as static content may offer better performance. Kindly advise on any methods to achieve this.

Answer №1

Although this question may be old, I wanted to share my solution as it may help others who are looking to achieve the same thing.

Instead of using a traditional link tag to specify your stylesheet, try using style tags to include your CSS file directly in the HTML.

<style>{% include 'my.css' %}</style>

This way, you can add Jinja code in your CSS file to render variables. This can be particularly useful if you want to give users the ability to customize colors and other styling elements.

Answer №2

There's a better approach to tackle this task. Rather than directly styling elements in the HTML file, it would be more efficient to create distinct classes in the CSS stylesheet and apply them based on the variables within your template.

Answer №3

To include CSS styles, simply add the following line in your HTML file:

 <div class="custom-design" style="background: url('{{ image }}')">

The CSS class "custom-design" now has the added attribute style="background: url('{{ image }}')"

{{ image }} represents the variable passed from to the HTML page through

Answer №4

I concur with Daniel Roseman's response, however if you truly must accomplish this task, you could simply specify your CSS within the template and utilize the python variable as demonstrated there.

Alternatively, you may want to explore using mako templating if you can integrate it with Django.

Nevertheless, unless there is a specific and compelling reason for doing so, it would be advisable to define your own CSS classes.

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