Add drop caps to every individual word within a hyperlink

Is there a way to recreate the menu effect similar to using CSS fonts and drop caps for each word?

I'm aware of the CSS code:

p.introduction:first-letter {
font-size : 300%;

that enlarges the first character of the first word, but I want this effect for every word. Is there a CSS(3) solution for this, or would JavaScript be the better option? I am already using Moo on the page so that could work as well.

I prefer not to add additional HTML to my links to achieve this effect.

Thank you!

Answer №1

This is not about drop caps, but rather Small Caps, which involves using a font where every letter is capitalized to appear smaller than the regular capital letters.

The simplest method is to choose a small caps font and capitalize each word in the text. However, it can be challenging to find the right small caps font that fits your needs. One option may be the Walter Turncoat font available on the Google Web Fonts API:

Answer №2

Have you considered adding this to your food selection?

li {text-transform: capitalize;}
li:first-letter { font-size:200%; }

Answer №3

Lettering.js seems like a useful tool for that job, but it's designed for use with jQuery, not Moo.

Answer №4

After reviewing the responses, I find it challenging to grasp the question entirely. However, from my perspective, accomplishing this task may require JavaScript to achieve the desired effect accurately. It's a straightforward process in essence.

The solution involves wrapping each word's first letter with a span element and applying a specific class to it. Subsequently, you can style these first letters as needed using CSS.

  $$('p.introduction').each(function(el) {
    var text = el.textContent || el.innerText;
    el.innerHTML = text.replace(/\b(\w)([^\b]*?)/g, function(match, first, remainder) {
      return ['<span class="first-letter">', first, '</span>', remainder].join('');

Answer №5

To convert all letters to uppercase in JavaScript, you can use the toUpperCase() function. For example:

var str="This is my 1st new tutorial 123";
var a1 = str.toUpperCase();

In your scenario, you would need to select the elements' content that you want to capitalize and apply the toUpperCase() function to them.

For Mootools Version:

<ul id='mylist'>
    <li><a href='#'>test 1</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>test 2</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>test 1</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>test 4</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>test 5</a></li>

Mootools JS:

$$('#mylist li').each(function(el) {

You can view the code in this jsfiddle link

Answer №6

Here is a suggestion:

text-transform: capitalize;

It is compatible with all web browsers.

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