Minimize the styling of the input placeholder CSS

Here is the CSS I am using:

#login-box ::-webkit-input-placeholder {
    color: #666;

#login-box :-moz-placeholder {
    color: #666;

#login-box ::-moz-placeholder {
    color: #666;

#login-box :-ms-input-placeholder {
    color: #666;

I attempted to condense it to this:

#login-box ::-webkit-input-placeholder,
#login-box :-moz-placeholder,
#login-box ::-moz-placeholder,
#login-box :-ms-input-placeholder {
    color: #666;

However, that caused issues.

Is there a way to simplify the CSS above?

Answer №1

Reducing the code in this situation is quite challenging. The reason your attempt failed is due to a feature of CSS where if a browser doesn't understand part of a selector, it will ignore the entire rule. For example, Firefox does not recognize ::-webkit-input-placeholder and will skip over that section entirely.

If you want to minimize duplicated code without sacrificing browser support, tools like LESS and mixins can be helpful. Check out this useful mixin for styling HTML5 placeholders: . However, if you only need to use it once, it may be difficult to reduce the code without limiting browser compatibility.

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