Semantic HTML and unambiguous: both

We are making an effort to enhance the semantics of our HTML, and one element that stands out in our code related to presentation is

<div class="clear"></div>

For instance, if we consider the following semantic HTML structure:

<div class="widgetRow">
    <div class="headerInfo">My header info</div>
    <div class="widgetPricing">$20 to $30</div>
    <div class="footerInfo">My footer info</div>

In this scenario, both headerInfo and footerInfo are floated left via CSS, while widgetPricing is floated right (just as an illustration).

The Query:

The widgetRow div currently lacks any defined height or width. Would it be appropriate to insert

<div class="clear"></div>
immediately after .footerInfo? It appears that this approach might compromise the semantic hierarchy at that point.

A Broader Perspective:

While striving for semantic HTML, should we include a div element in our markup solely for the purpose of clearing floats?

Answer №1

There are multiple techniques for clearing floats:

1 . Utilize CSS pseudo :after pseudoclass

.container:after { clear:both; content:"."; display:block; height:0; visibility:hidden; }

Add the container class to your "widgetRow" division. While this method may be the most semantic, it is not universally supported, particularly by IE7 and earlier versions. Check browser support for :after here

2 . Try overflow:auto or overflow:hidden

.container { overflow:auto; }
.container { overflow:hidden; }

Once again, apply the container class to your "widgetRow" division. This technique might be more semantic, but beware of potential issues on smaller screens. Using overflow:auto might trigger a horizontal scrollbar, while overflow:hidden could completely conceal the element. Learn about problems with overflow for clearing floats here

3 . Implement clear:both property

.clear { clear:both; }

If you are currently using the clear class as described above, stick with it. This method is compatible across all browsers without causing any unintended consequences. Consider your target audience's browser compatibility before making a decision.

Answer №2

Avoid including empty markup solely for visual or styling purposes, as it can make the page difficult to maintain and scale.

Consider using non-structural clearing methods like easyclearing, which is also recommended by H5BP, by adding additional styles to float wrappers instead.

Answer №3

Have you experimented with the amazing clearfix hack? By utilizing this method, there is no need to include unnecessary, non-semantic empty elements.

In response to your broader question - it is not semantically appropriate to include empty elements solely for layout purposes. However, having a few vacant <div> tags won't cause any harm! :)

Answer №4

There are three main techniques I am aware of for clearing floats.

  1. Using an empty div with a clear:both; as you have mentioned.
  2. Applying the CSS property overflow: auto to the parent div.
  3. Utilizing CSS pseudo selectors to create an element after the floated element and clear the float on that new element.

Advantages and disadvantages of each method:

Empty Div


  • Supported by most browsers.
  • No side effects.


  • Requires additional markup solely for float clearing.
  • Some argue it is not semantically correct.



  • No extra markup needed.


  • Potential for unwanted scroll bars in certain situations.
  • Overflow auto was not originally designed for float clearing purposes.

Pseudo Selectors


  • No additional markup necessary.
  • Considered more elegant compared to other methods.


  • Not supported in Internet Explorer 7 (and earlier versions).

Answer №5

In addition to the insightful answers provided earlier, I have a supplementary suggestion:

4. Opt for display:inline-block + vertical-align:top

This method can be tricky, especially with older versions of IE like IE7, as mentioned on .

IE 6/7 only recognizes this value when applied to elements with a natural display of inline.

Although widely supported now, in some cases it may work with IE6/7 and provide the same effect as floating elements but without the need for clearing. You might even tweak your markup slightly (while keeping it semantic) to utilize a native inline element. For IE-specific scenarios, consider using a hack as suggested in this discussion.

Addendum: Potential issue with overflow:hidden

One drawback to the overflow:hidden technique that I recently encountered is that absolute positioned elements within such containers may get clipped by the boundary. This could lead to issues like malfunctioning CSS dropdown menus.

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