Selenium is encountering difficulty in identifying the CSS path for a secondary element appearing on the webpage

I am attempting to use a CSS selector in Selenium to interact with a specific link, but it is failing to identify the correct one.

There are two occurrences of a link named "Cancel" on the page.

The xpath for the first instance of the Cancel link is:


The xpath for the second occurrence is:


Upon inspection of both links using Firebug, they have identical CSS paths.

html body.p div#c_account.c_wrapper div#a_returns.a_wrapper div#container div#main div#main_col div.main_content div#create-return div.return-process-actions div.return-process-action-buttons a.return-process-cancel

Due to the matching css paths, when I attempt to click on the second link with Selenium, it actually interacts with the first link.

Is there a method to differentiate between these two links using their CSS paths?

Answer №1

One way to style elements is by using the x:nth-child(n) selector

If you're looking for more CSS selectors to memorize, check out this site: . The one you need is #22.

Remember, you don't necessarily need a long css selector, you can simply use:


Answer №2

It is advisable to assign a meaningful id to the links you plan to click in order to enhance readability in the future. For example, it will be much clearer to have lines like"firstCancelLink");

instead of"css=html body.p div#c_account.c_wrapper div#a_returns.a_wrapper div#container div#main div#main_col div.main_content div#create-return div.return-process-actions div.return-process-action-buttons a.return-process-cancel");

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