How can I implement a division animation with Javascript upon clicking a hyperlink?

I need help with animating a div when clicking on a link. Specifically, when clicking on the "About" link, the height of the div should change. Currently, the height is set to '0em' in the CSS file. I attempted to change the height using "document.getElementById('about-div').style.height = '';", but it resulted in a sudden jump instead of a smooth animation. I then tried the following code, but it doesn't seem to be working as expected:


.about-div {position:absolute;top:100vh;left:0em;width:100vw;height:0em;z-index:10000;background:white;overflow:hidden;}

.open {
  -webkit-animation: open 1s ease-in 1 forwards;
  animation: open 1s ease-in 1 forwards;

.is-paused {
  -webkit-animation-play-state: paused;
  animation-play-state: paused;

@keyframes open {
  0%   {height:0em;}
  1%     {height:'';}
  100% {height:'';}

@-webkit-keyframes open {
  0%   {height:0em;}
  1%     {height:'';}
  100% {height:'';}

@keyframes close {
  0%   {height:'';}
  100% {height:0em;}

@-webkit-keyframes close {
  0%   {height:'';}
  100% {height:0em;}


<a href="javascript:openAbout()">About</a>

<div class="about-div open is-paused">
   <p>Some Content</p>

...and the Javascript code:

function openAbout()  {

Any suggestions on how to solve this issue?

Answer №1

Feel free to check out my fiddle.

One important thing to note is to take out the script tags from within your JavaScript function. Ensure that all JavaScript code is enclosed within the script tags as shown below.

function openAbout() {

In addition, I find using animations to adjust height a bit complicated, so I opted for using transitions instead. You can view the demo below (I omitted the bottom positioning for better visibility, but you can re-add it as needed).

function openAbout() {
body { background: #ddd; }
.about-div {
    transition: max-height 5s;
.open {
    max-height: 999px;
.is-paused {
    max-height: 0px;
<a href="#" onclick="openAbout()">About</a>

<div class="about-div open is-paused">
    <p>Some Content</p>

Answer №2

The script should be placed outside the function, not inside the function tags.

function showInfo() {

Answer №3


The 'href' attribute is not meant for invoking functions. Most HTML elements come with an 'onclick' attribute for that purpose.

<a href="#" onclick="openAbout()">About</a>

Make sure to remove the '' characters as advised, so your code appears as follows:

function openAbout() {
    document.querySelector('.about div').classList.remove('is-paused');

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