Selector for CSS variant of target button in Material UI

For each type of Material UI button variant, I have created 3 classes that apply a gradient: gradient, outlinedGradient, and containedGradient,

Instead of having to manually change the gradient class when altering button styles, I wanted to create a single class gradient and then develop more specific selectors for default, outlined, or contained buttons.

I attempted using the selectors

"& .MuiButton-contained":
and & .MuiButton-outlined, but the styles did not take effect.

Not working:

const styles = (theme) => ({
  root: {
    padding: theme.spacing.unit
  button: { margin: theme.spacing.unit },
  gradient: {
    background: theme.palette.primary.mainGradient,
    "-webkitBackgroundClip": "text",
    "-webkitTextFillColor": "transparent",
    "& .MuiButton-contained": {
      "-webkitBackgroundClip": "unset",
      "-webkitTextFillColor": "black"
   "& .MuiButton-outlined": {
     ...more styles


Is it possible to achieve this? Can we target these button variants in CSS within Material UI?

Answer №1

The solution can be found here

When referencing the CSS class, remember that MuiButtonBase-root is on the root element. Use &.MuiButtonBase-root (without a space after the ampersand) for the correct syntax.

To make it work, simply remove the space in the selectors like

, not
"& .MuiButton-contained"

Answer №2

To add your own personal touch to MUI components, start by deactivating the default style with the disable method. I discovered the solution [here]. 1 similar to this approach

<Button disable id="button"></Button>   

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