JavaScript Scroller that keeps on scrolling

Unique Continuous JavaScript Scroller

I am currently working on a JavaScript scroller script that enables left to right and right to left scrolling on the click of next and previous buttons. The script is designed to work with 1 to 3 div elements in a continuous flow. However, my goal is to achieve continuous scrolling behavior where the scroller seamlessly moves from the last div back to the first one without reversing the direction.

I am seeking advice on how to modify the script to accomplish this continuous scrolling effect.

<div id="mainContainer"> 
<!--mainContainer Div Start-->
<div class="arrowRight"><img src="images/arrow_left.png" width="36" height="39"></div> 
<div class="arrowLeft"><img src="images/arrow_right_disable.png" width="36" height="39">   </div>
  <div class="slider">
    <div class="slides"> <img src="images/1.jpg" width="250" height="250"></div>
    <div class="slides"> <img src="images/2.jpg" width="250" height="250"></div>
    <div class="slides"><img src="images/3.jpg" width="250" height="250"> </div>
  <!--mainContainer Div End--> 



function init(){
var arrowLeft=document.querySelector('.arrowLeft');     
var arrowRight=document.querySelector('.arrowRight');       

  var flag=1;
  function slideRight(){
    arrowLeft_div.innerHTML="<img src='images/arrow_right.png' width='36' height='39'>";    
    var slider=document.querySelector('.slider');'translate(-1024px, 0px)';
    arrowRight_div.innerHTML="<img src='images/arrow_left_disable.png' width='36'    

  function slideLeft(){
    arrowRight_div.innerHTML="<img src='images/arrow_left.png' width='36' height='39'>";    
    var slider=document.querySelector('.slider');'translate(1024px, 0px)';
   arrowLeft_div.innerHTML="<img src='images/arrow_right_disable.png' width='36'  


Answer №1

Is this similar to what you're looking for?

let flag=1;
function moveRight(){
        arrowLeft_div.innerHTML="<img src='images/arrow_right.png' width='36' height='39'>";    
        let slider=document.querySelector('.slider');'translate(-1024px, 0px)';
        arrowLeft_div.innerHTML="<img src='images/arrow_right.png' width='36' height='39'>";    
        let slider=document.querySelector('.slider');'translate(2048px, 0px)'; 
        flag = 1;

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