Creating a progress bar that includes hyperlinks: A step-by-step guide

Currently, I am in the process of developing an application form that consists of 9 pages of questions. Initially, I had implemented a progress bar which indicated completion by filling up 1/9 for each page completed. However, I have been informed that this approach is not acceptable and instead, I must adopt a "box" system.

The new requirement entails having 9 boxes arranged in a line, with each box labeled accordingly. This allows users to easily navigate back to a specific page if they need to make changes. While exploring options to fulfill this criteria, I experimented with using a navigation bar at the top as it already exists in the form of an unordered list with invisible bullets.

However, further adjustments are necessary as the current design does not meet the required specifications. Additionally, I aim to enhance user experience by ensuring that once a section is completed, it turns purple while the remaining sections remain gray to signify progress.

Answer №1

Why bother with a progress bar when you can simply style the selected item?

All you need to do is apply a class to the chosen item and then adjust the styling for everything that follows:

li {
    background:#aff; /* Represents completion. */

li.selected ~ li {
    background:#f5f5f5; /* Indicates not yet reached. */

li.selected {
    background:#5a0; /* Signifies selection. */

Start by assigning the current class to your first li.

Check out this example on JSFiddle:

If you want to switch back to a previous item, create a new class:

li {
    background:#aff; /* This is the "already done" colour. */

li.selected ~ li {
    background:#f5f5f5; /* This is the "not yet reached" colour. */

li.selected {
    /* The "selected" colour no longer applies. */

li.current {
    background:#5ae; /* This is the new "selected" colour. */

New JSFiddle link: (You might consider renaming "selected" in this scenario.)

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