Fluid imitation pillars with a decorative outer edge

Looking to create a modern, sleek 2-column HTML5 interface with a left sidebar and main content area on the right. Backwards compatibility is not an issue as all users will be using the latest versions of Chrome or FF.

The goal is to give the sidebar a background color and a right border that extends to the bottom of the page, even if the content doesn't fill the entire height. The sidebar should also be set to a percentage width rather than a fixed pixel amount.

Faux columns were considered but the desire for a border to the right of the column poses challenges. Is it possible to achieve this effect without relying on images or faux columns?

Are there any CSS3/HTML5 features that allow for this design requirement? If not, what alternative solutions exist other than making the sidebar a fixed size?

Answer №1

Here is a great example that showcases what you are looking for. If you have any questions about how this works, feel free to reach out! :)

Check out this link for more information

Answer №2

Hmm... what's happening here?

<style type="text/css>
  { height:100%;
    min-width: 120px;
    border-right:dashed 2px purple;
<div id="sidebar">menu</div>
<div id="main">contents</div>

Answer №3

If you're looking to make some adjustments using jQuery, here's a simple solution:

let sidebarHeight = 0;
let contentHeight = 0;

sidebarHeight = $("#sidebar").height();
contentHeight = $("#content").height();

if(sidebarHeight > contentHeight){
    $("#content").css("height", sidebarHeight);
} else {
    $("#sidebar").css("height", contentHeight);

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