Troubleshooting Media Queries in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap: Why Aren't They Applying as Expected?

I am still fairly new to web programming and just starting out with bootstrap.

After creating a section of my page that worked well on larger screens, I realized it wasn't responsive enough on smaller devices. The height was set at 400px, causing horizontal squishing on phones. To address this, I tried wrapping half of the content to the bottom, but it created other layout issues. I decided that setting the height to 800px for smaller screens would be a solution.

My search led me to media queries as a potential fix for this problem.

Initially, I had the following code where the height is fixed at 400px:

.addon {height:400px;}

While this worked fine for screens equal to or larger than 'md', it didn't provide the desired responsiveness for smaller screens.

This is my attempt at solving the issue:

@media (min-width: @screen-md-min) 
    .addon {height:400px;}

@media (max-width: @screen-sm-max)
    .addon {height:800px}

Unfortunately, this code doesn't seem to have any effect regardless of the screen size. Despite researching and double-checking my approach, I'm unable to figure out why it's not working as expected.

If anyone can offer some guidance or point out what mistakes I may be making, I would greatly appreciate it.

Answer №1

It seems that I was not utilizing the LESS variables @screen-md-min and @screen-sm-max. Instead, by replacing them with specific pixel values, the code now functions correctly.

@media (min-width: 992px) 
    .addon {height:400px;}

@media (max-width: 991px)
    .addon {height:800px}

Answer №2

Utilizing Twitter Bootstrap classes such as col-xx-12 is recommended as it divides the specified container into 12 columns, adjusting automatically when the screen size changes. Keep in mind that this functionality will not be effective unless the view-port = 1.0 meta tag is properly applied.

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