Search Bar on the Website for Google Search

I am currently working on a basic website and I'm looking to incorporate Google Search functionality into it. I've managed to create a simple search box that redirects users to the Google Search Results page when they input their query. However, my issue lies in wanting the search results to open in a new browser window or tab, instead of loading within the same window. Does anyone know how I can achieve this?

Here's an example of my current code:

<div id="search">
   <input type="text" value="Search"> 
   <a href="#"><img src="images/go.gif" alt="" width="26" height="26" /></a>

Answer №1

If you're looking to enhance your search capabilities, check out the custom search API

By using the JSON/Atom Custom Search API, you can programmatically access Google Custom Search results from your own search engine.

Just like other Google APIs, this one is well-documented and provides examples to help you get started.

Get coding and enjoy the process!

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