Scrolling within ion-content is fluid when using a fixed div in Ionic

Following the recent GoogleChrome update, a div set to 'fixed' is now scrolling with the rest of the page.

For a demonstration, you can visit the following link: LINK

Specifically, the issue occurs with a 'fixed' div placed inside the 'ion-content' section.

Interestingly, if a simple div like the one below is placed inside 'ion-content', it does not maintain its fixed position. However, when moved outside 'ion-content', it remains fixed!

<div style="width: 100px;height: 100px;position: fixed; left: 0; bottom: 0px; z-index: 500; background-color: blue;"></div>

Is there a way to keep it fixed within the ion-content?

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated!

For reference, I am working with Ionic 3 (version 3.20.0)

Answer №1

If you're looking to enhance your Header or Footer, consider using the ion-toolbar element. Here's a sample code snippet showcasing how it can be utilized (demoed on stackbliz):

    <ion-title>My Toolbar Title</ion-title>

<ion-content padding>
  <h2>Welcome to Ionic!</h2>
    This starter project comes with simple tabs-based layout for apps
    that are going to primarily use a Tabbed UI.

    (Additional content edited for brevity)


<ion-footer no-border>

    <ion-title>I'm a footer</ion-title>


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