Scrolling Vertically using WinJS ListView

Is it possible to achieve vertical scrolling in a ListView using HTML/JS for Windows 8 applications with WinJS?

I successfully created a Windows 8 app with XAML/C# that utilizes a ListView for vertical scrolling.

However, when attempting to replicate the app using HTML/JS, I encountered difficulty creating a ListView that scrolls vertically. Instead of vertical scrolling, the ListItems were displayed on a horizontal line and scrolled horizontally.

I initially believed that GridView was suitable for horizontal scrolling lists and ListView for vertical scrolling.

As an alternative solution, I tried placing the ListView inside a div element with vertical overflow scrolling by using the following code:

<div style="overflow-y:scroll;">
    // ListView

Answer №1

XAML utilizes different controls - GridView to display items in a horizontal list that wraps when it runs out of space, and ListView for a vertical list that does not wrap.

However, in HTML, you can achieve the same results using a ListView and adjusting the layout property. By setting it to new WinJS.UI.GridLayout(), you mimic XAML's GridView, while setting it to new WinJS.UI.ListLayout() replicates XAML's ListView layout.

To implement this functionality with JavaScript, you can use a conditional statement like the one below:

    if (Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView.value == Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewState.snapped) {
        demosListView.layout = new WinJS.UI.ListLayout();
    else {
        demosListView.layout = new WinJS.UI.GridLayout();

Alternatively, you can declaratively set this attribute in the HTML by using the data-win-options attribute of the ListView control div. Hopefully, this explanation is helpful to you.

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