I am dealing with a set of divs wrapped in a flex container that tend to overlap each other. Their heights vary and sometimes they wrap multiple times. Any suggestions on how to prevent this

I am encountering an issue where the width of the div remains the same after it has wrapped, causing overlapping. I want the first div to push the second to the right and so on.

When I add a 100% width, it makes the width for the smallest div the same as the largest, leaving space on either side.

The columns are iterated over using {orderedColumns.map((column, index) => { return ( ); })}

<div style={{ display: "flex" }}>
           height: "60px",
           display: "flex",
           flexDirection: "column",
           flexWrap: "wrap",
           overflowX: "visible"
           height: "60px",
           display: "flex",
           flexDirection: "column",
           flexWrap: "wrap",
           overflowX: "visible"
           height: "60px",
           display: "flex",
           flexDirection: "column",
           flexWrap: "wrap",
           overflowX: "visible"

If you have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Answer №1

When working with Flexbox columns, the parent's width remains constant even when items wrap, which may be causing your issue. For more information, you can refer to this discussion on Stack Overflow: When flexbox items wrap in column mode, container does not grow its width.

It seems unlikely that you'll achieve the desired layout using flexbox columns since the parent element cannot accurately determine its width due to this limitation.

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