Scrolling in CSS Modals

Take a look at this Plunk for reference:

I'm attempting to design a mobile-friendly modal. I require the CSS to maintain the following layout without changing the HTML ordering:

  1. Keep the Header fixed at the top when scrolling
  2. Ensure the Buttons stay fixed under the header (always visible)
  3. Make the Item list scrollable

Since element heights can vary, I'd like a generic solution that automatically adjusts heights.

I'm stuck on this problem, any suggestions?


<div class="modal">
  <div class="modal-title">
  <div class="modal-content">
    <div class="button-group">
      <div class="button selected">Button One</div>
      <div class="button">Button Two</div>
    <div class="list"></div>
      (remaining HTML code here...)


(CSS code here...)

Answer №1

Below are the modifications to be made in your CSS:

1. Start by setting your title with position: fixed;, and ensure it has a width: 100%.

.modal-title {
  position: fixed;
  width: 100%;

2. Apply the same adjustments to the title, but include top: 52px; so it doesn't overlap with your header.

.button-group {
  top: 52px;
  position: fixed;
  width: 100%;

3. To enable scrolling for the list, remove position: absolute; from the .modal class, and add some margin to prevent your list from hiding beneath the header and buttons.

.modal {
  position: absolute; //<--- Remove this

.modal-content {
  margin-top: 78px;


In terms of addressing the dynamic height issue, CSS alone is insufficient. For situations where you want the buttons or title to vary in height, refer to this JavaScript solution.

Answer №2

  1. .popup-title{
        display: fixed;
        top: 0;
        bottom: 0;
        width: 100%;

  2. .button-container{
        display: fixed;
        top: 52px; 
        width: 100%;

  3. .popup-box{
        overflow: auto;

currently, some elements are being obscured by the header. Solution:

.popup-content {
    margin-top: 78px;

UPDATE: Oops Hunter beat me to it, my apologies

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