Round shield progress indicator

I have been trying to create a progress bar by overlaying one SVG on top of another (one translucent and the other colored). Despite many attempts, I have not been successful in solving this problem. Any help or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

Translucent SVG:

<svg class="rpm-svg center" viewBox="0 0 160 160" xmlns="">
            d="M75.8122 156.886C75.7221 158.54 74.3071 159.814 72.6572 159.662C69.9318 159.411 67.2211 159.02 64.5358 158.491C62.9102 158.171 61.9128 156.549 62.2938 154.937L64.0713 147.414C64.4523 145.801 66.0673 144.81 67.6954 145.118C69.5857 145.475 71.4907 145.75 73.4049 145.941C75.0535 146.106 76.3227 147.513 76.2326 149.168L75.8122 156.886Z"
            d="M59.8939 154.329C59.4612 155.928 57.812 156.879 56.23 156.387C53.6166 155.574 51.0467 154...
            d: "M130.398 21.7847C131.483 20.5321 133.381 20.3916 134.593 21.5222C136.593 23.3899 138.497 25.3591 140.295 27.4219C141.384 28.6706 141.18 30.5636 139.891 31.6049L133.879 36.4632C132.59 37.5045 130.706 37.299 129.607 36.0587C128.332 34.6187 126.994 33.2348 125.598 31.9111C124.396 30.7711 124.254 28.8814 125.339 27.6288L130.398 21.7847",
            fill: "#EB2F2F"

Colored SVG:

<svg width="160" height="160" viewBox="0 0 160 160" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M75.8122 156.886C75.7221 158.54 74.3071 159.814 72.6572 159.662C69.9318 159.411 67.2211 159.02 64.5358 158.491C62.9102 158.171 61.9128 156.549 62.2938 154.937L64.0713 147.414C64.4523 145.801 66.0673 144.81 67.6954 145.118C69.5857 145.475 71.4907 145.75 73.4049 145.941C75.0535 146.106 76.3227 147.513 76.2326 149.168L75.8122 156.886Z" fill="white"/>
<path d="M59.8939 154.329C59.4612 155.928 57.812 156.879 56.23 156.387C53.6166 155.574 51.0467 154...Followed by more path elements...

Answer №1

This demonstration showcases the creation of a mask using various "dots", which is then applied to a group <g> containing circles in different color schemes. Each circle within the group is assigned pathLength and dasharray attributes for length control. The circles alternate between gray and red (with 25% opacity) as well as white and red.

Additionally, there is another mask featuring a circle whose length can be controlled dynamically through JavaScript. This mask is utilized on both the white and red circles of the design.

The decision was made to construct this visual representation as a bar due to its ease of editing and entertaining design process.

document.forms.form01.range.addEventListener('change', e => {
  const c1 = document.getElementById('c1');
  let length = parseInt( * 2.2;
  c1.setAttribute('stroke-dasharray', `${length} 360`);
body {
  background: gray;
<form name="form01">
  <input name="range" type="range" value="50" min="0" max="100" />
<svg width="300" viewBox="0 0 160 160" xmlns="">
    <mask id="dots">
      <g transform="translate(80 80)">
        <g id="dot">
          <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="70" stroke="white" stroke-width="10"
          fill="none" pathLength="360" stroke-dasharray="6 360" transform="rotate(90)" />
          <rect transform="rotate(0) translate(-2 65)" width="4" height="10"
          rx="2" fill="white" />
          <rect transform="rotate(6) translate(-2 65)" width="4" height="10"
          rx="2" fill="white" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(11)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(22)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(33)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(44)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(55)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(66)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(77)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(88)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(99)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(110)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(121)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(132)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(143)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(154)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(165)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(176)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(187)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(198)" />
        <use href="#dot" transform="rotate(209)" />
    <mask id="bar">
      <circle id="c1" cx="80" cy="80" r="70" stroke="white" stroke-width="22" fill="none"
      pathLength="360" stroke-dasharray="110 360" />
  <g mask="url(#dots)" >
    <g transform="rotate(88 80 80)">
      <circle cx="80" cy="80" r="70" stroke="#444" stroke-width="20"
      fill="none" pathLength="360" stroke-dasharray="132 360"  opacity=".25" />
      <circle cx="80" cy="80" r="70" stroke="red" stroke-width="20"
      fill="none" pathLength="360" stroke-dasharray="220 360"
      transform="rotate(132 80 80)" opacity=".25" />
      <g mask="url(#bar)">
        <circle cx="80" cy="80" r="70" stroke="white" stroke-width="20" fill="none"
      pathLength="360" stroke-dasharray="132 360" />
        <circle cx="80" cy="80" r="70" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" fill="none"
      pathLength="360" stroke-dasharray="110 360" transform="rotate(132 80 80)" />

Answer №2

Simply adjust the opacity of the required number of blobs (paths in the SVG) to 1.

With a total of 20 blobs, each one represents 5%.

To display 40%, set the fill-opacity of the first 8 blobs as 1. This can also be achieved using CSS.

Below is an example using JS to showcase 40% by setting the fill-opacities. Alternatively, these values could be manually set in the SVG:

<body style="background: gray;">
  <svg class="rpm-svg center" viewBox="0 0 160 160" xmlns="">
            d="M75.8122 156.886C75.7221 158.54 74.3071 159.814 72.6572 159.662C69.9318 159.411 67.2211 159.02 64.5358 158.491C62.9102 158.171 61.9128 156.549 62.2938 154.937L64.0713 147.414C64.4523 145.801 66.0673 144.81 67.6954 145.118C69.5857 145.475 71.4907 145.75 73.4049 145.941C75.0535 146.106 76.3227 147.513 76.2326 149.168L75.8122 156.886Z"
            d="M59.8939 154.329C59.4612 155.928 57.812 156.879 56.23 156.387C53.6166 155.574 51.0467 154.627 48.5304 153.55C47.0072 152.899 46.3694 151.105 47.0778 149.607L50.3827 142.619C51.0911 141.122 52.8772 140.488 54.4055 141.128C56.18 141.871 57.986...


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