CSS Show a Cropped and Resized Image - The Saga Continues

Continuing from a previous discussion on CSS Display an Image Resized and Cropped, I am in need of further assistance to enhance the existing solution provided by a fellow user...

Question: How can we dynamically resize (scale) the image based on its original size at runtime? Instead of hard-coding specific dimensions like "width: 320px; height: 221px;" in the style, I am looking for a way to relate the resizing to the actual image dimensions.

Below are some jsfiddles for reference:

http://jsfiddle.net/VdX68/ - This is based on the initial answer given in the thread. It works well if you know the image's dimensions beforehand.

http://jsfiddle.net/VdX68/4/ - In this version, the image dimensions do not need to be known, but it only works for a 100% scale. Here, I removed the width and height attributes from the .scalePan class.

http://jsfiddle.net/VdX68/2/ - This example uses percentages for width and height. The image scales according to the size of the containing div, not its original dimensions.

I am seeking a method to scale the image based on a percentage of its original dimensions, rather than a percentage of the container it resides in.

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Although I see that you are interested in doing this, I am not entirely certain about it.

$(document).ready(function() {
    var wdth = $('img').width();
    var hght = $('img').height();

    $('img').css('width',  wdth / 100 * 90 + "px"); // adjusting width to be 90% of the image
    $('img').css('height', hght / 100 * 70 + "px"); // setting height to 70% of the image's height

Here is a live example: http://jsfiddle.net/VdX68/18/

You are not restricted to using JQuery for this task; regular JavaScript can also achieve the same outcome.

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