Rotational transformation in CSS not displaying in Webkit / iPhone browsers, yet functioning properly in Chrome Devtools device toolbar

tl;dr: My CSS transform rotate is not rendering on Webkit / iPhone, but it works in Chrome Devtools device toolbar.

Update: I've also opened a separate GitHub issue that is more concise and easier to read, without code excerpts, here.

Giving some context: I'm fetching images and their orientations from my Express API in React. The orientations are mapped to values (0, 180, 270 degrees), then I use CSS to rotate them after the initial render. I lazy-load images while scrolling down using IntersectionObserver API with polyfill for WebKit/Safari included. Works fine in Google Chrome without polyfill and Safari with polyfill, but not rotating images in Chrome/Safari on iPhone.

Here's the relevant code snippet:

// LazyImage.js
render() {
    const { className } = this.props;
    const transformRotationValue = `rotate(${360 - this.state.orientation}deg)`;
    const styles = {
      '-webkit-transform':  transformRotationValue,
      '-moz-transform':     transformRotationValue,
      '-ms-transform':      transformRotationValue,
      '-o-transform':       transformRotationValue,
      transform:            transformRotationValue,
      height:               '500px',
    return (
          Date: {}
        <img alt={} className={className} style={styles} ref={el => this.element = el} />

My CSS code:

/* PhotoFeed.css */
:local(.photos) {
  width: inherit;
  flex-shrink: 0;
  min-height: 100%
:local(.photoContainer) {
  height: 500px;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  overflow: hidden;
  margin-top: 2px;

React Component code:

// PhotoFeed.js
return (
              <div className={styles.photoContainer} key={idx}>
                <LazyImage className={} src={`${apiRootURL}/photos/demo/${fileName}?token=${Authentication.getToken()}`}/>

You can find the full code for both server-side and client-side. The demo code is live at this website.

Tried suggestions from Stack Overflow post, but CSS still not working on iPhone browsers despite working on macOS Chrome/Safari.

Some Updates


Tried another suggestion from comments, but didn't work as expected. Class updates in HTML but CSS doesn't apply properly.

Update 2:

Fixed warnings about unsupported style properties in Chrome DevTools, but images still not rotating on iPhone browsers.

Answer №1

The main challenge arose from pinpointing the issue at hand. It was a classic face-palm moment: the realization that mobile browsers like Chrome and Safari on the iPhone automatically adjust jpeg images to the correct orientation, whereas desktop browsers do not. Once this dawned on me, finding a solution took no longer than 5 minutes. I delved into this informative MDN page and referenced this handy tutorial on using Safari development tools to inspect the user agent string on an iPhone. Armed with this knowledge, I devised a straightforward fix for my rendering method:

render() {
    let { className } = this.props;
    const styles = {
      transform: 'rotate(0deg)',
      height: '500px',
    if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') === -1) {
      styles.transform = `rotate(${360 - this.state.orientation}deg)`;
    return (
          Date: {}
        <img alt={} className={className} style={styles} ref={el => this.element = el} />

Answer №2

In essence, the solution is as follows:

Ensure that you establish the default property as well: rotate(0deg)

Failing to do so may result in functionality errors on iOS and Edge browsers, even though it might work fine on Chrome

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