When an HTML table utilizes both rowspan and colspan attributes, it may encounter issues with being overlapped by the

I'm working on a straightforward table that showcases the properties of a data element. Each row will represent an element from the AJAX response in a list format.

The table is designed with "rowspan" and "colspan" to expand specific cells. However, I've encountered an issue where adding a new element below causes it to overlap the table inexplicably. The HTML is correctly structured, and the rowspan attributes are set to merge the correct number of rows.

Here's an example of the problem: http://jsfiddle.net/vtortola/KzjKg/9/

If you take a look, you'll see that the green block overlaps the table, which is something I'm trying to prevent.

Any insights into why this might be happening?


Answer №1

The styling rule max-height:50px; was applied to the parent div of the table causing overlap. To fix this, simply remove the mentioned CSS declaration.

Answer №2

It seems like the issue lies in:

1) Possibly removing the max-height when the table exceeds 50px.


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