Delete the right-hand p-timeline-event-opposite margin from the Angular 17 PrimeNG Timeline

I am currently utilizing the PrimeNG Timeline module to showcase a few straightforward horizontal timelines with content placed on the top side in a table format. How can I eliminate the space allocated by the .p-timeline-event-opposite section? Upon inspecting the timeline element using the Chrome debugger, I noticed that the .p-timeline-event-opposite consistently occupies space.

I am referring to the Horizontal example provided here: . However, even in this example, there is considerable spacing between the timelines due to the opposite section taking up space.

Here is the code snippet:

  <td>Test label before</td>
    <p-timeline [value]="events" layout="horizontal" align="center">
      <ng-template pTemplate="content" let-event title="event" style="display: none;">
  <td>Test label after</td>
  <td >Test label before</td>
  <td >
    <p-timeline [value]="events" layout="horizontal" align="center">
      <ng-template pTemplate="content" let-event title="event">
  <td>Test label after</td>

The "events" variable simply consists of an array of strings:

events: string[] = [
    "Test 1", "Test 2", "Test 2", "Test 4", "Test 5", "Test 6", "Test 7"""

Answer №1

To address the issue caused by the internal styling of prime-ng, manual override is required using the CSS code provided below.

.custom-end-width .p-timeline-horizontal .p-timeline-event:last-child {
  min-width: 33px !important;

Keep in mind that a class is used to specify where the style should be applied, so the CSS needs to be added to global-styles.css for application. Make sure to also include the same class in the HTML structure.

<div class="card flex flex-column gap-3 custom-end-width">
  <p-timeline [value]="events" layout="horizontal" align="top">
    <ng-template pTemplate="content" let-event> {{ event }} </ng-template>
  <p-timeline [value]="events" layout="horizontal" align="bottom">
    <ng-template pTemplate="content" let-event> {{ event }} </ng-template>
  <p-timeline [value]="events" layout="horizontal" align="alternate">
    <ng-template pTemplate="content" let-event> {{ event }} </ng-template>
    <ng-template pTemplate="opposite" let-event>

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