Rotating an image as it approaches the footer: a step-by-step guide

I'm trying to add a navigation arrow on my website that will rotate to point to the top when it reaches the footer. When clicked on, it should scroll back up to the top.

The arrow already has a scrolling effect, but I need help figuring out how to make it rotate and change the scrolling effect when it reaches certain points on the website.

This is the link/arrow element in question:

<a href="footer" class="to-the-bottom">
    <i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-o-bottom"></i>

Answer №1

Here is a solution using pure JavaScript instead of JQuery, in case you do not have the JQuery library.


HTML Code:

<i id="icon" class="fa fa-arrow-circle-o-bottom"></i>

JavaScript Code:

// Function to detect when scrollbar reaches the bottom of the page
var detectScrollBarBottom = function() {
  var windowHeight = (self.innerHeight) ? self.innerHeight : document.body.clientHeight; // Get window height

  // Get current vertical scrollbar position
  var scrollPosition = window.pageYOffset ? window.pageYOffset : document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop;

  // Check if scrollbar reaches the bottom
  if (document.body.scrollHeight <= (scrollPosition + windowHeight)) {
    var iconElement = document.getElementById("icon");
    iconElement.className = iconElement.className + " rotated";
  } else {
    var resetIcon = document.getElementById("icon");
    resetIcon.className = "fa fa-arrow-circle-o-bottom";        

// Register event on scrollbar
window.onscroll = detectScrollBarBottom;

// Smooth scroll function
var smoothScrollTo = function(element, target, duration) {
    target = Math.round(target);
    duration = Math.round(duration);
    if (duration < 0) {
        return Promise.reject("bad duration");
    if (duration === 0) {
        element.scrollTop = target;
        return Promise.resolve();

    var startTime =;
    var endTime = startTime + duration;

    var startTop = element.scrollTop;
    var distance = target - startTop;

    // Smoothstep interpolation function
    var smoothStep = function(start, end, point) {
        if(point <= start) { return 0; }
        if(point >= end) { return 1; }
        var x = (point - start) / (end - start); 
        return x*x*(3 - 2*x);

    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        var previousTop = element.scrollTop;

        var scrollFrame = function() {
            if(element.scrollTop != previousTop) {

            var now =;
            var point = smoothStep(startTime, endTime, now);
            var frameTop = Math.round(startTop + (distance * point));
            element.scrollTop = frameTop;

            if(now >= endTime) {

            if(element.scrollTop === previousTop && element.scrollTop !== frameTop) {
            previousTop = element.scrollTop;

            setTimeout(scrollFrame, 0);

        setTimeout(scrollFrame, 0);

function scrollToTop() {
    var bodyElement = document.querySelector('body');
    smoothScrollTo(bodyElement, bodyElement.scrollTop - 2000, 600);

var myIcon = document.getElementById("icon");

myIcon.addEventListener('click', function() {
}, false);

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