Revamping CSS for a Responsive Wordpress Tesseract Theme

I'm currently in the process of developing a website using the Tesseract theme at However, I have encountered an issue with responsiveness when integrating the SiteOrigins PageBuilder plugin. The compatibility between PageBuilder and certain plugins like spacers and GoogleFonts seems to be causing the problem.

After conducting some research, I came across others facing similar challenges (refer to: ). It appears that the solution involves custom CSS targeting for each row. Even after removing the spacers and GoogleFont controls, the rescaling issue persists. On the Home page of my site, I am utilizing CSS to adjust the background image and header text for proper positioning:

@media (min-width: 680px) {
    .custom-home-background .textwidget .home-headline{
        margin-top: 40px;
        margin-bottom: 450px;
        font-size: 60px;
        font-family: 'Roboto';
        font-weight: 500;
        letter-spacing: 10px; 

While the appearance is satisfactory on my desktop screen, it fails to display correctly on my iPhone. Additionally, I am struggling to make the MangoButtons plugin responsive as well. Any suggestions or assistance would be greatly welcomed!

Thank you

Answer №1

After dedicating numerous hours, I have finally cracked the code and delved into the world of CSS coding :)

@media (min-width: 680px) {
    .home-background .textwidget {
        font-size: 50px;
        font-style: normal;
        font-weight: 500;
        letter-spacing: 8px;
        font-family: 'Roboto';
        min-height: 880px;
        padding-top: 20px;


@media (max-width: 679px) {
        .home-background .textwidget {
                padding-top: 20px;
                padding-bottom: 175px;
                font-style: normal;
                font-weight: 500;
                font-family: 'Roboto';


.site-content {
        height: 0!important;
#footer-banner {

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